Monday, August 1, 2011


I was home for 3 weeks (almost all of July) which was wonderful and much needed. 

However, i think they missed me. 

David emailed me about a week and a half into my "vacation" and said, "where are you, roomie?! I think i've forgotten what you look like!" 

I saw Lucas friday night at Sarah and Luke's engagement party and he interrupted a conversation i was having to give me a big hug and tell me how much he missed me. He also got brownie points because he noticed my hair cut and said i looked great. Good job, Lucas. Keep up the good work :) 

I rolled in to the house about 2:15am saturday morning, about the same time as David, Kellsie and Ryan got home from the bars. David and Kellsie gave me an enthusiastic "welcome home!" before Ryan practically ran out of his car over to me, swooped me up off the ground and made me kick the air for him to put me down. 

Clint didn't know i was home until saturday night, when he returned home from work and there was dinner on the stove, at which point he ate with me while we scrutinized the fascinating cast of the Jersey Shore. 

I'm glad to be back, i missed them. I didn't miss the 800 degree sweat inducer that is our house but Clint got an AC unit so i'm sure if i keep cooking dinner, i'll be allowed to hang out up there in the delightfully chilly 75 degree room. :) 

Thats it, i think i'm all caught up now. Sorry it had been so long.


The 4am Visitor

So, this happened awhile back and the visitor has wanted me to post it ever since so I guess that I shall comply. 

it was probably my second or third week in the house and all the guys went out to the bars, I stayed home (probably watched Bieber or something of equal greatness). I was going to bed right as they were coming home, i quickly got up and turned off the light and got into bed so i wouldn't have to talk to them (classy, eh?). I hear loud conversations and then "shhh! sarra's asleep!!!" and then more loud talk before the hustle and bustle quieted down and all was well. off to sleep land i went. 

at around 4am i am woken up by Lucas sitting on the side of my bed, staring straight ahead, across the room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" i ask him. "waiting for you to scoot over," he says. 

i'm thinking, "what the heck is happening. he has a king sized bed. i have a twin. is he sleep walking or drunk? is this a joke? why is this happening. i should move out." 

i say, "go away!" and roll over towards the wall and go to sleep. all of a sudden i feel him lay down. WHAT.IS.GOING.ON.

"lucas, why are you here??" i whine. he swiftly replies, "your bed is more comfortable." 

say what. this is just ridiculous. 

and just like that, the kid is asleep. really? wow. i try waking him up at least three times, all of which he lifts his head, looks around (i'm hoping he'll realize its not his room and he'll leave, which never happens) and then goes back to sleep. precious, eh? 

as i lay there trying to figure out what is happening, i finally smack his back and ask him one last time, "why are you here?!" he says, ".......i dont know?" and gets up and leaves. 

good times, eh? 

oh and ps-my door now remains locked at all nighttime hours. 
